Gigi Arnold Food Stylist

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156 days of Rome

This morning's lesson went it a flash. Everyone was on top form and the group decided that we should all go out to lunch together. It's 12:15 and we traipse out of class and spill out into the courtyard laughing and jesting like school kids. Something about today feels so light and playful as we move through the square looking for a sunny spot that can accommodate our ample number. We settle on a place that looks passable because despite a number of self proclaimed foodies in attendance, today we just want to be together. We place our orders, tre bucatini at my end, and cheers to another beautiful day in the capital. I am sitting opposite Edwin a psychotherapist from Zurich,Switzerland, and next to Veronique an angel of a woman, who teaches primary school in her home town of Paris. We talk about Rome, and about our real lives at home, relishing the fact that we are all here for the same reasons. To seize the day, live in the moment, and as a personal reminder to above all be kind to ourselves. 

We pay the bill 'a la Romana' and as everyone is reaching for their wallets a horrible revelation is made. Tan's backpack is gone. He was sitting at the very end of our long table exposed to the busy street and someone must have come along and grabbed it whilst we were distracted by our merriment. He jumps up and for a few seconds we all freeze staring horrified at one another while we think of what to do. We turn to the waiter hoping he might be able to advise on an appropriate course. Instead he shakes his head, visibly irritated by our ignorance and says that next time we won't be so stupid with the bags. The waiter shuffles away and when we all turn our eyes back to Tan he is gone. We call after him "go to the police"!. He already is. Rather deflated we say our goodbyes. I have my eye on a chess tournament happening on the street in front of us and try and get in position to take some candid shots of the gamers in action. I get the picture and just as I am withdrawing from the scene I bump into Thomas a classmate who had just had a private lesson at school. We walk around a while and then he suggests we go and check out the botanic gardens belonging to the university. We have a pronunciation class at 5:30 but it's only 3 now so I agree. We have to walk through Trastevere where I visited yesterday and I am amazed at all the things I didn't notice last time. The whole of Rome is like that really. So bursting full of fascinating details like a film you need to watch a few times to really appreciate the work that has gone into its production. 

When we arrive back at school for our lesson we are rather glad to be back under the protection cool dark stone. This class is a little bit tedious but we get through it and Thomas and I decide to celebrate with an aperitivo in the Piazza. My phone buzzes and it's Tan. He's doing ok and has established that his phone, passport and other personal affects are still in his possession and all that the thieves took was a bag full of Italian homework and some camera gear. Luckily Tan is a seasoned veteran and has a spare camera back at his hotel. Breathing a sigh of relief to hear that his trip hasn't been totally derailed Thomas and I settle in with our drinks. The piazza is chilly by the time we are finished, the sky a luminescent royal blue. I hail a cab and Thomas waves me off. Back home I kick off my shoes and flip on the bed. How I love that long day, sore feet, fond memories feeling.