Gigi Arnold Food Stylist

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Central St Martin's - Summer School

Berry pleased with this one

Today was the first day of school... and it was awesome! Not school school. Art School. If you have read my post about my short but tumultuous history with my new camera, you will know that attending a short course at CSM to learn some more creative and expressive techniques in photography was all part of my plan for total DSLR domination.

Nom nom

Today consisted of a get to know you session, followed by a get to know your camera segment that really just recapped what I learned at Nikon. My classmates are super arty and cool unlike at Nikon (although I kind of miss the Graemes and their wildlife banter). In my class we have a fashion designer, architecture student from Brazil, fine art students, an ex-nurse and a lady making a career change who has not at the point of publishing divulged to the class what the change is from and to. Maybe she's a spy! Or just thinks no one cares. Either way I will keep the reader informed if I get any more colour on that. 

Not sure how this happened but you can see the whole background image compressed into the glass candle stick 

After lunch we ran through a few more basics to check everyone understood and revered the holy trinity of photography, aperture, ISO and shutterspeed and then we embarked on our first assginment. Yay homework! The weather is revolting because, you know, Britain, so excuse the appearence of the cliched raindrop on a leaf theme. Our task was to go home and photograph details of things people don't usually tend to notice, or photograph them in a creative way so that they don't look how they usually appear. 

The fraying of an old book perhaps 

The unlikely yet harmonious pairing of leaf and feather

Or all that weird crap under the door

Even the little hole on this otherwise modest banister had its moment in the limelight

I do know these photos are not ground breaking. However I did have so much fun putting my theoretical knowledge to the test and I am really excited to see what gems of learning tomorrow brings.