Gigi Arnold Food Stylist

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84 days of Rome

I went to a castle at the weekend and it was bloomin great. K and T are fellow legal interns at the WFP and over the past few weeks we have come to realise that aside from the law, we share a passion for sarcasm, feminism, and drinking wine in castles. Long story short it's Friday afternoon and we are IMing eachother ferociously to tie up any loose ends and meet downstairs at reception. We slide out of work as early as possible, and hurry to the train station towards Fumicino where K has booked a hire car. After a UN style negotiation with the car rental people, where we all insist on reading the contract, and where I am reported to have, at one particularly desperate moment, begun explaining to the rental lady how insurance works, we got the keys. We hop in the Jeep and hit the road. 

The drive to Abruzzo reveals many things to us along the winding way; a stunning sunset, a smattering of sleepy looking Italian villages, and most interestingly of all, the fact that K can rap just about anything of that genre released  between the years 2000 and 2010. All the ingredients for a good road trip in my book.

K did a really smashing job of driving us to the castle (figuratively speaking), and also a smashing job parking the car when we arrived (literally speaking). Considering we had in fact ended up buying 2 separate insurance policies (honestly don't ask) we concluded that if we didn't get a few little scratches while navigating the impossibly small castle courtyard then we wouldn't be getting our money's worth....

When we enter the castle its half past ten and Marco at the concierge greats us warmly. We ask him if the restaurant is still open but the hauntingly sad look that comes over his face answers the question before he has the chance. Undeterred, he makes some calls, and tells us he will send up a bottle of local wine and some panini. It has been a long drive and we all give Marco a grateful smile and head up to our room. What transpires next I cannot say. What happens in Castles in Abruzzo stays in Castles in Abruzzo. (Spoiler: it involves me falling asleep pretty soon after the panino and wine.) 

On Saturday we have a hearty buffet breakfast and hop in the Jeep bound for Ancona. We find the people there incredibly kind and the atmosphere more relaxed than an online multiple choice module. 

Back at the ranch (well, castle).

Sunday was a sun day. Relaxing by the pool admiring the view over Abruzzo was a pretty spectacular way to end the trip. We dried off, settled the bill, and headed back to the city with a good dose of Pink! and Rihanna throwbacks to get us through the road toll queues.