Gigi Arnold Food Stylist

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134 Days of Rome

Well hello one and all! I know it has been a while since I wrote in this journal but I have been ridiculously busy in the eternal city ! I have managed to find a quiet moment however to put down a few words because I have in fact, ladies and gentlemen, locked myself out of my flat. I left the house this morning on autopilot, as normal, but somehow something in my slick morning routine went horribly wrong and when I got onto the street I did not have my keys in my hand. So there you are. I am on my doorstep waiting for a miraculous rescue to happen and thought I would use the time to catch you all up. Week two didn't start so well as I had really terrible flu and stayed inside for 2 days! That was pretty miserable but Italian tv is sufficiently ludicrous that I managed to stay entertained for the duration of my convalescence. Day three I was so hungry as I hadn't had the strength to find food, so I drugged up, put my biggest sunglasses on and took myself and my pounding headache up the road for a good feed. I settled on a little resi about 2 minutes from the flat and took a table half inside and half on the street. I was hedging my bets temperature and brightness wise. As I sat there in my dark glasses getting through a tissue a minute with my terrible cold I realised I was drawing the attention of the waiter. "Madam are you ok? Please don't be sad, I don't like the crying!". I realised I must look like some sort of grieving widow with my shades and constant snivelling. I told him I wasn't crying I was ill but he didn't buy it one bit. Who gets flu in May! I wolfed down my lunch and hobbled slowly back to the flat feeling every step as a thump to the head. The next day I am finally well enough to go to school but it's a national holiday! My first day of school was therefore Thursday! Week 3 was a bit light on lessons aswell! Another national holiday and a job interview took me down to 3 days in school. 5 days attendance at school out of 10 is not really what I was going for, but I am just going with the flow at the moment. I have really high hopes for the coming week as it's my last planned week of school. At this point I am waiting to hear about a job which will start as soon as possible so I can't book more classes until I know the outcome. I went for a drink with a Danish girl on Monday night and she told me she had applied for the very same job and she thought they must of had hundreds of applications. So although I got to the interview stage I'm not confident that it's going to come off. If it doesn't I will stay in school and find a part time job doing something food related! I would love to learn how to make Italian pastries or authentic fresh pasta! A pretty nice gift to my future self, friends and family in the long run! Italian pastries are unbelievably delicious and in my humble opinion better than french pastries by a country mile. I know this is controversial but Italian pastries have such strong character and flavours it's an easy choice for me, especially considering one could include the macaron (owing to its contentious dual heritage). The point is I am sort of waiting it out and seeing what happens next which is both scary and really exciting! I could be in an office doing a legal internship next week or I could be in school in the mornings and learning to make yummy Italian food in the afternoons! Only time will tell. And I like the sound of both! This is where I have to leave it today as Daniella the cleaner has just arrived to save my soul and let me in to my building! Thank goodness for that. I am going to be an hour late for school but it's Italy and people are inexplicably relaxed about everything. The motto stands: nobody cares.