155 days of Rome

155 days of Rome
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School was bittersweet today! The lesson was exciting and Marta our teacher is truly hilarious. She picks on members of the class in the exact way that stand up comedians do to unsuspecting audience members, sensing our weaknesses and having everyone in hysterics with her timing and wit. Its nothing like actual school and I am already sad at the prospect of finishing my course! It has occurred to me to extend my studies and continue with daily class but I will have to give it some more thought as it is a big drain on my finances and would reduce my earning abilities. It would be amazing to carry on though, I am learning so much, so fast. When Marta draws the lesson to a close, it dawns on us all that we will be losing over half the class as they move on to do other things, or to return home to their jobs and families. We flap around the classroom passing phones, notepads and taking frantic group selfies.When everyone has exchanged details some of us head off for one last lunch as a cohort. We decide on a speciality risotto place with lovely tables outside and a nice view of the winding streets. We are extra careful to tether our bags and keep them in physical contact with them at all times to avoid a repeat of the tragic events that plagued our last class outing.

I sit opposite Gabriella a swiss spiritual teacher and next to Simone the make-up and hair stylist from Sydney. Simone and Tan talk shop as they are both involved in commercial and fashion photo shoots and weddings in their respective countries and Gabriella and I debate whether all the extravagant religious decor in Rome is a spiritual aid or a distraction. Today we are also losing Thomas the Swiss cardiologist to his practice back in Zurich and Veronique the French teacher to the Tuscan countryside. One more aperol spritz, and we disperse promising to keep in touch and wishing each other well in life after Rome. 

I meander home snapping a few pictures and admiring how the Italians look so chic even in the scorching heat. How are they wearing so many clothes!? I wonder how much hotter it is going to get and what tactics I can employ to survive the summer while blending in with the impossibly stylish inhabitants of this city. 


I wake up and get ready for a little evening exploring. I am very drowsy as I only had 3 hours sleep last night. I know I know, Its bad, but there is so much to get involved with here and I don't want to miss a thing, I get some dinner and try very hard to stay upright. The bill. My bed. Ah. What a week? 

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