Georgina ArnoldComment

Decorated gingerbread cookies

Georgina ArnoldComment
Decorated gingerbread cookies

Make my delicious decorated gingerbread cookies!

Here is how:

Gingerbread (makes 40 cookies so half it if you want less)

200g unsalted butter

600g plain flour

1/2 tsp salt

100g soft light brown sugar

100g soft dark brown sugar

200g golden syrup/ clear runny honey

2 medium eggs

Dried ground spices: 

1 teaspoon all spice 

2 teaspoon ginger

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg


500g icing sugar 

1 egg white 

Water as needed to achieve correct consistency 

  1. Set oven to 180 degrees ( 175 if fan)

  2. Combine flour salt and small cubes of butter until texture becomes sandy (use hands to rub the butter in, or an electric mixer)

  3. Add all other ingredients and mix until a homogeneous dough is achieved, but don’t mix it for longer than necessary. It just needs to come together with all the ingredients mixed in.

  4. Roll 1/4 of the dough between two sheets of cling film, to the thickness of 4-5mm and cut shapes free hand with a knife or with cutters. Use the rim of a wine glass to get rounds if you don’t have cutters.

  5. Place the cookies on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for 10 mins or until the edges begin to turn golden.

  6. Roll and cut out the next 1/4 of the cookie dough whilst the first batch it cooking. Repeat two more times until they are all baked.

  7. Cool on a rack


  1. Empty the icing sugar into a large mixing bowl. Add the white of an egg and mix. Add water gradually whilst mixing on high until the icing whips up to a stiff texture that resembles toothpaste.

  2. Divide the mix in 4 small bowls and cover each with cling film

  3. Add color to each bowl (or 3, leaving one white). Once you have the color intensity you want, add very small drops of water using a teaspoon and stir and mash vigorously to make the icing more runny. The correct consistency flows like honey or shampoo. It forms a ribbon on it’s own surface when drizzled that is visible for at least 5 seconds before flattening out completely. If it’s too runny it will run off the cookie so err on the side of caution ⚠️🤪

  4. Fill piping bags/plastic ziplock bags with the icing and have fun decorating! If you want to make your own piping bag out of baking paper google ‘baking paper piping cornet’ and you will find instructions/videos.